Prepared for finals?


Kenzie Robinson, Staff writer

When the end of the semester rolls around, students are excited for a break, but before they can get too excited, they have to get through finals. Finals are usually a big part of your grade so if you fail them, your grade goes from a good percentage to a not so good percentage. Some students take a couple of weeks before hand to practice and study hard, while others don’t take it so seriously. Are finals taken seriously enough?

Most students have finals in core classes like math, science, English, and history, but some teachers like to have finals in classes such as Spanish, creative writing, or other elective classes. The ones that are the most typically stressful are the core classes because they are usually more important.

Ryley Rolls, a senior, said “I have one final for a high school class, and the other final I had was done about 2 weeks ago. I am not nervous at all actually. The only class I have a final in is English and it’s a DGP final. We’ve done DGP since the first day of class so I think I’ve done enough preparation.” She is pretty lucky to only have to take one final compared to others who have to take multiple.

Kaitlyn Johnson, a freshman, said she has a lot of finals and she is nervous for them. The classes she has finals for are Holocaust History, social studies, algebra 1, Honors English, and physical science. While she does not study, she says that she is pretty prepared. When asked how she prepared for them she said, “I just listen in class and wing the test and normally do fine.”

Lexi James, also a freshman, said that she is very nervous for her finals, even though she only has a final in science. Lexi has studied for her final by looking over all her past tests and reviewing her notes.  

Finals are the last thing you do before break and it will make or break your grades. As students, we do the best we can and then hope for the best. Goodluck on your finals students and have a great break!