Ms. Monique Jensen: FACS
Ms. Monique Jensen, is the new Family and Consumer Science teacher. She was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and moved to Alliance when she was very young. She lived in Alliance her whole life, and graduated high school in 2012.
Ms. Jensen went to Chadron State College and graduated with two degrees, a bachelors in art and science, and bachelors in education with an influence in FACS, grades 6 through 12.
This will be her first year teaching and she is very excited for her new job.While she is still finishing her last semester in college, Ms. Jensen got her provisional licence to teach at the high school and still finish her last semester. Ms. Jensen has had plenty of jobs during college and before this teaching job, such as working as a rehab specialist in Hastings, when she lived there for a while. Ms. Jensen loves her job, because she loves the subject she teaches.
Jensen says you can apply FACS to the real world and believes all students should take one of her classes. She also states that health and wealth are very important.
Her favorite hobbies include fishing, camping, reading, hiking, biking, and anything related to being outside!

Hi! My name is Crystal Garza. I’m a senior at AHS, and this will be my third year writing for the SPUD. I’m the oldest daughter of Richard and Oneyda...