Mr. Zadina: US History and Tech


Safyre Yearling, Staff Writer

Mr. Kurt Zadina is a familiar face, here at Alliance High School. He attended Superior High School in Superior, Nebraska. He also attended college in Nebraska, stating, “There is no place like Nebraska.”

Growing up, Mr. Zadina was most inspired by his grandfather. He taught him so much and he never knew of anyone who worked so hard. Now, he has a grown daughter, who is working on her PHD at Columbia University in New York City. In his free time, Mr. Zadina enjoys visiting historical places, such as various museums.

Mr. Zadina teaches fifth period U.S History, here at AHS. The rest of the day, you can find Mr. Zadina in the library or in the PAC, working with all of our technology around school. When asked why he decided to become our “tech guy”, he remarked “Because the “nerd guy” didn’t sound cool.” He planned his career in teaching and coaching and tech just came natural to him.