WestJet Christmas Miracle
Airports are perhaps the least jolly place during the holiday season, normally filled with unhappy people dealing with delays, lost luggage and other mishaps. Thankfully for WestJet Airlines, Santa came a little early this year.
The event was captured by hidden cameras throughout the airport; mimicking the poem The Night Before Christmas.
More than 250 passengers on two recent flights to Calgary got to speak to Santa Claus and tell him what they would like for Christmas before boarding their flight. When the passengers landed, they came to find out that everything they asked for was given to them at the baggage claim. Coen wanted a Thomas the Train toy. His mom and dad wanted a big screen televison, that they were given at the baggage claim. Other gifts included an Android tablet, a Doc McStuffin’s doll and other things such as jewelry, other electronics, and toys.
You may have heard of WestJet’s Christmas spirit before. Last year, the airline created a Christmas-themed flash mob, including dancing elves in the middle of the airport. The video had gotten almost a half a million views, leading the airline to donate flights to a family in need throughout their community investment program. This year, WestJet will donate if the video receives at least 200,000 YouTube views.

Hey guys! My name is Madison Hiemstra, I am the 17 year old daughter of Randy and Angie Hiemstra and currently a senior here at Alliance High School. I...