AHS Bids Farewell to the 2013 Senior Class


The Alliance High senior’s last day of school was Wednesday, May 15. The day kicked off with a slide show of baby pictures in the PAC, followed by two speakers, Roger Trennepohl, next year’s varsity basketball head coach, and Michelle Schnell, an AHS English teacher. Next the senior class officers handed out class awards and, finely, breakfast was served in the commons area. Some of the class awards included Andri Halouska for Best Dress, Olivia Vogel for Most Inspirational, Dawson Johnson for Most Organized, and Everett Gerth for Most Likely to Become Famous. To wrap it up seniors turned in their computers, cleaned out their lockers, and checked out with teachers. In one last hurrah the seniors held a barbeque in the old swimming pool parking lot and a water balloon fight that spilled over into the AHS parking lot.

Goodbye seniors- the class of 2013 will certainly be missed.