November is usually seen as the month of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving, but nobody, or at least not that many, sees the Native American Heritage Month that happens in November. This type of recognition was granted in 1990 by President George H. W. Bush. The Native American community was thrilled about this recognition, but at the same time, the only ones who cared would only be the Native American community. This month is meant to make the Native Americans known and ensure their sacrifices are noticed.
The month is to help the American community and let the Native American community know that the pain of their ancestors was going to be noticed and repaired as best they could. The reserved land was given to the Native American communities where many repayments the American government gave them were a massive sorry to their ancestors. The destruction forced integration schools to close down and Native Americans were accepted more into the American community. Almost 32 billion dollars were given to tribes and Native American communities in reparation payments for the next generation of Native American people. These new generations have also embraced their heritage and have more tribal meetings with any new or already existing tribes. Their ways of life and their ancestors will forever be remembered for the time as long as their museum and there new ways are never forgotten.