The town of Alliance has many wonders and unique places like our fountain and Carhenge. Plus, the one thing that most overlook or don’t see is the small groups of dogs and cats around our town. The small groups of dogs mainly consist of huskies, bulldogs, and mutts. These groups are not vicious at all. They are more like free-roaming dogs that can be barely seen during the day, but at night, they are more prominent. The groups of cats are all over this town as well. They take over small neighborhoods and use the residences as food or shelter. While I spoke to one of the small neighborhoods, they said that the cats help keep rabbits out of their gardens and help fertilize their gardens as well. This cat and dog problem is a small developed ecosystem that has stemmed into the community’s people. Another thing is that these animals require help from the residents: lay out food and water, and drive slower at night to be more aware of these animals. You could also help by giving shelter to a few or looking for missing animal posters or posts, and if you see the animal, please return it!
Overall, you should do as much as possible to help these cats and dogs thrive in our community.