Earth Day

Photo Credit to Charity Navigator

Photo Credit to Charity Navigator

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. Earth day is an annual event celebrated to demonstrate support for environmental protection. More than one billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet. There are many ways to help save the world from pollution and landfill. Picking up litter and planting trees can help the environment tremendously.
At Alliance High School, on Friday, April 22, the sophomore students that are registered in Biology with Miss Fox, picked up trash around the school. Picking up even a little bit of trash can help the whole community and it can eventually stop pollution. The trash thrown on the ground outside can travel throughout the world’s rivers and oceans. It can transport chemical pollutants and threaten aquatic life. It can also affect human interaction with the pollution put into the water. Miss Fox mentioned it was wonderful to go around the school with the students and pick up trash to help the Alliance, Nebraska community.
Using gasoline cars can be very bad for the environment. Vehicles are America’s biggest air quality compromisers, producing about one-third of all U.S. air pollution. About 80-90% of cars’ environmental impact comes from fuel consumption and emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases. This can cause nitrogen to be put into the air and lead to bad oxygen for all living things. Riding a bicycle and taking more walks can help the environment from these harmful gases.
Planting trees are a big factor to celebrate Earth day. Planting trees can help eventually stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and most importantly, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Trees provide many benefits to us, every day.
Volunteering at school or even going to pick up trash on your own can help the earth become more beautiful. To sign up you can visit