2020 Homecoming Coronation
This year, homecoming coronation was different from those in the past. Due to COVID-19 many students and staff were not able to participate. Due to several members from the school being quaratined, the school live-streamed the event on social media. Alliance High staff did their best to put on the events that usually happen at coronation, but it still was not the same. This year there were no cheerleaders to walk out the homecoming royalty, and they couldn’t put on their normal dance. Mr. Cheerleader was not able to perform, which is an event that everybody loves. Luckily, coronation was able to go on somewhat like it has in the past.
This year’s homecoming royalty was heavily affected by not being able to attend. The freshman attendants were Abigail Vermilion and Mario Rodriguez. Rodriguez was the only one able to attend coronation. The sophmore attendants were Gracie Garza and Carver Hauptman. Both of the sophmore attendants were able to attend. The junior attendants were Autumn Pohlman and Pierce Libsack. The junior attendants were able to go to coronation as well. The senior second attendants were Alec Garcia and Diana Kollars. Kollars was not able to attend due to being quarantined. The first attendants were Jaxon Preble and Kelsey Horton, who were both at the coronation. Finally, the king and queen were Jace Moss and Ashlyn Gosnell. Ashlyn was unable to attend coronation, because she was at home quarantined. When being interviewed about not being able to go, her only response was, “…it affected me a lot.”
When asked about being nominated for king and queen, Gosnell responded, “I was honestly surprised very when people kept coming up to Jace and I saying they had voted for us!” Gosnell did not expect her and her boyfriend to win queen and king at all. When talking about the moment they announced she had won, she stated, “I laid in my bed and watched it, and honestly when they said my name I burst into tears and couldn’t stop. It was a very happy, but also, very sad moment watching everyone cheer, but not being able to be there to feel that experience.” She said one thing she wished could have been done differently in order to attend the school events would have been, “Keep my distance and wear a mask. Being in the parade was something I’ve always thought was so cool, and missing out on it really sucked.”
Even though most were not able to attend, the school pushed on with the old traditions. Since the cheerleaders were unable to be there, the student council walked out the homecoming attendants. The burning of the “A” still followed after coronation, and everyone who was able to attend had a fun time. Hopefully next year, there is no longer a pandemic to affect the school activites!

Hey everyone! My name is Karly Wangler, and I am a senior at AHS. I am 17 years old, but will turn 18 in October. I am the daughter of Tim and Jeralee...