Law of Attraction During Coronavirus
Law Of Attraction During Coronavirus
The Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. Whether we are doing it knowingly or unknowingly, every second of our existence, we are acting as human magnets sending out our thoughts and emotions and attracting back more of what we have put out.
This law was realized/discovered in 1877 and still continues to impact people to this day. Unluckily, people do not know the amount of potential they have within them. Consequently, it is all too easy to leave your thoughts and emotions unchecked. This sends out the wrong thoughts and attracts more unwanted emotions and events into your life.
During a pandemic like this, a lot of us can tend to be negative which in return may lead to a negative thing/event happening to us. To try and reduce negativity in our lives, practice, think and live positively throughout your everyday life. There are a variety of phrases/affirmations you can say to yourself that can help with the positive side of the Law of Attraction. Say if you want something, instead of saying “I want this” say “I am this” or “I have this.” Some examples are “I will be the first millionaire in my family,” “I attract opportunity,” “I am healthy and filled with energy” and “Something wonderful is about to happen to me.”
But is the Law of Attraction real? Well many women and men who have left their mark on this world have shown the Law of Attraction to be one of the greatest powers on earth. Many well-loved poets, artists, scientists and great thinkers such as Shakespeare, Blake, Emerson, Newton, and Beethoven all convey this message through their many works. There have been many modern advocates of The Law of Attraction as well. These include Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, and Denzel Washington.
So while this pandemic may seem dark and very lonely to others, use the Law of Attraction during quarantine to improve yourself and transform yourself into the person you’ve always wanted to become. Be positive, despite all the Coronavirus negativity, and the universe may reward you.

Hello! My name is Jessyca Garza. I am a sophomore at AHS, and this will be my first year writing for the SPUD. I’m the youngest daughter of Oneyda and...