Box Butte Art Society Artists
“Frosted Christmas House” is one of Williams’ newest watercolor paintings.
Art, it’s everywhere and it doesn’t matter where you go. If citizens would open their eyes, they would be astonished to see the unique art sightings that are waiting to be explored. So, what is art? There are, in fact, many individuals who think that art has to do with just brushing out a view of a lovely sunset on a painting board. However, that is not all true. Art can simply be whatever an individual makes of it and has no boundaries what so ever. The City of Alliance holds some extremely talented artists. A few of these talented, yet extraordinary artists are Maggie Williams, Steph Mantooth, and Megan Johnson of Alliance, Nebraska.
Mrs. Williams is a professional watercolor painter that holds one of the biggest reputations for the Carnegie Art Center organization. Dozens of William’s watercolor paintings are available for sale at participating businesses that believe in helping talented artists sell their masterpieces. Some of these participating businesses are Box Butte General Hospital, the Homestead Dinner, local bank organizations, and Martin’s Family Restaurant. One magnificent watercolor painting of Williams’ that is available for sale at Martin’s Restaurant is titled “Stoplights on 10th,” which is a lovely medium-sized painting that displays the four-way intersection on 10th street and Box Butte. To the right of the painting stands a breath taking pine tree that overlooks the stoplights, which are held up by the wires and telephone poles. “I paint so people can see things through my eyes. Art seems to be a dying profession, especially in this area because all people seem to care about is the Internet,” says Mrs. Williams.
Steph Mantooth, who practices her definition of art by taking flattering pictures, is the treasurer of Carnegie Arts Center. She is also the founder of her rather successful photography business, Stephs Studio. Mrs. Mantooth unbolted the doors of Stephs Studios in 1999. Since then, Stephs Studio has marked a unique character of business in Alliance. Mantooth’s passion for photography all started with an interest at an early age. In high school, Mantooth photographed, processed, and printed photos for the SPUD and Annual. After years of practicing the art of photography, Mantooth had been accepted into the Colorado Institute of Art in Denver. She then graduated with an associate degree in art. Mantooth stated that she enjoys photography because it is a lot of fun for her. A spectacular photograph that is for sale at Martin’s Restaurant is titled, “Unwound.” This particular photography shot by Mantooth is a mind-blowing masterpiece, consisting of golden gadgets of all sorts, with an old fashioned roman numeral clock. “It is a hobby as well as my life’s work, and I’m living my dream with photography,” said the well-respected photographer of Alliance.
Another incredible artist that lives in the heart of Alliance is Megan Johnson. Mrs. Johnson has won her first award and sold her first painting at age six, since then she has been painting exceptional pieces of art. The practice of art has always been a part of Johnson and almost all of her relatives are artists. Johnson’s creativity comes from her life, imagination, and photographs. “My inspiration depends on what has inspired me on that day. My daily occupation, being a mother, and my friendships all require creativity and some imagination,” said Johnson. Johnson practices the art of painting on her kitchen table when she’s working with inks, however when she is working with pastels, she a private studio in which she works in. She spends time with her children by also painting with them as well. Johnson said, “A creative mind and an active imagination are what moves us forward. I believe that the creative spirit behind any form of art is more important than the art itself. Art is very important and the heart behind it is what I believe is the most important.” Johnson has a couple of astonishing pastel works that are hanging up on the walls of Martin’s Restaurant and sell at a reasonable price. “The Monument” is one of the most unbelievable pastel works that Mrs. Johnson has available for retail. The incredible masterpiece appears to have a sunset theme, which includes joyful ringlets of clouds that overlook a rocky monument with living grass setting at its sides.
These artists as well as others are featured around Alliance. So, go check them out!