Recently, the Alliance FFA Chapter installed its 2024-2025 officer team. This year eight officers were elected, and they are: Brooklyn Burri (Historian), Ashley Carr (Parliamentarian), Rozlyn Wills (Sentinel), Sutten Parkison (Reporter), Shyla Salcido (Treasurer), Isaac Murphy (Secretary), Macy Brooks (Vice President), and Josie Sanders (President).
The first person interviewed was Shyla Salcido. Shyla is a third-year FFA member who will serve as an officer for the second year. She was elected the Treasurer and is in charge of the Chapter’s finances. When asked what her goal is for this year, she stated, “I want to help run a smooth chapter, the first step to that is making sure I do the best I can!” Shyla is extremely dedicated to what she does and hopes that her second year of service will be even better than her first!
The next officer interviewed was Brooklyn Burri. Brooklyn is a second-year FFA member and is in her first year of service. She was elected the Historian and is in charge of creating all chapter graphics. The first question I asked was why she wanted to become an officer, “I want to have an impact on the chapter. When I was in 8th grade the officers came and visited us, and I ultimately joined because of that. I would love to be that person for someone else!” Brooklyn also told me that she is extremely excited to build relationships with her fellow officers and chapter members!
Another officer I interviewed was Josie Sanders. Josie is in her third year of being an FFA member and will serve as an officer for her third year! Josie was elected the President for her second year in a row and is in charge of all meetings, communications, and officers. When asked about the importance of FFA, Josie stated, “It’s very important, you learn more than just “farming” skills. I have developed so many leadership skills and even overall life skills!” Josie also told me the main reason she wants to be an officer is to give back to the chapter, “FFA has helped me in so many ways and is just an amazing organization. This seems to be the best way I can give back.” It’s very evident that under the leadership of an amazing president and person like Josie, the chapter will make great strides!
The final person I was able to talk to was Ashtyn Vivion, an FFA Advisor. I first asked her about this year’s officer team to which she stated, “It’s an amazing team. I feel like every officer was given a position that fits their personality which will help them succeed. Not only do they fit in but they are a big friend group!” Mrs. Vivion is very positive about the success this team will bring to the chapter and the improvements that they can make!
As the FFA year comes to an end, it is time to start preparing for the next year. There is no doubt in my mind that this officer team can achieve great things and accomplish anything they put their minds to!