7th Street Dance Studio, led by director Lori Davis, is coming up on its winter recital. What makes it different than the rest of its recitals is that the band will be playing for the high-school tap dance. They will be performing “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Ozborne. The band director, Mrs. Mangas, suggested to Mrs. Davis that the band play “Crazy Train” instead of dancing to the actual version. The band and the dancers seemed to really enjoy this and have been working hard on it. I feel like it’s an out of box experience that will surprise a lot of people. It would probably bring in more fans who enjoy the band and want to see what’s happening.
Keera Stanec states,”I think the band playing with the right players who have practiced and have the song down is a great idea. I feel like it will add more movement to our tap dance. I love the idea and I hope we really get to.” Mrs. Lori believes that it is a fun and exciting new thing that the dancers are doing. It was weird adjusting the music, but it fits and there were only minor adjustments that needed to be made to make sure the dance now fit the pep version. Maci Cornish, a dancer and a player, along with Arayah Cordell believe that this is a new idea that will attract people to support the band and the dance studio!
When we reach the recital date, I’m sure that the dancers and band members will be proud of the work that they have done. This is a really big step for the dance studio and the band, and I’m sure they’re excited to showcase this new idea. Many people seem on board with it, and since the pointè dance includes an out-of-box idea, it fits perfectly with the theme. The jazz dancers are doing an 80’s themed jazzercise, while the lyrical dancers are doing a dance that involves lifting different people on certain cues. All in all, this is an exciting and fun few years of ideas for the dance studio. With the help of our other instructor, Mrs. Dani, and our high-school assistants, the recital will go great. Hopefully more dance content comes out on the SPUD, because this is a great way to be informed on other things happening in the town.