The Alliance High School band is having their annual Christmas concert on December 15 at 7:00 P.M. in the PAC. The band will be performing three different pieces including: “Earthdance” by Micheal Sweeny, “Polar Express” by Micheal Story, and “Brighton Camp” by Randall Standrage.
When I Interveiwed the AHS band director, Mrs. Mangas and asked if she was excited about the concert she said, “Yes! I am always looking forward to the Christmas concert because we get to showcase the capabilities of everyone who participates in the band.” During this time of trying to get everything together for the concert, Mrs. Mangas is also trying to get everything together for the Georgia trip to the Peach Bowl in December. Mrs. Mangas said, “ I am a little overwhelmed because I have quite a few classes like jazz band and marching band, and there is just alot to keep up with, and trying to keep all their practices straight is a little difficult.”
Out of all three pieces of music, I asked Mrs. Mangas which one was her favorite and the one she was most excited about she stated, “Earthdance” is probably my favorite, it is the more frustrating one out of the three but I think that is what makes it so good! I think this one is my favorite piece because I honestly just like the sound of it and I like how the students interpret the piece. The one im most excited about is the Polar Express I just think it has a really good tempo and I think the kids also enjoy it!”
Mrs Mangas chose these songs because she didn’t want to play a bunch of Christmas songs in Georgia, so she decided to play them right now for the Christmas concert. She chose the songs because she loved seeing the kid’s faces light up when they started playing the tunes, and she also loves hearing the improvement because these are such difficult songs!
I hope everyone has a fun time learning their songs for the concert and I hope they do really well! Don’t forget to come watch the Christmas concert on December 14 at 7:00 PM in the PAC and cheer on the band; everyone deserves it for how much time they’ve put into it!