Every year Upward Bound, a school program, rewards four students with a five-day vacation trip for winning a writing competition. This year’s trip was to Santa Fe, New Mexico, a beautiful city with architecture like no other. During the trip, there were enjoyable activities ranging from a food tour to watching a play.
During the summer program, the students have an opportunity to submit a written piece of their choice to this contest. “The writing contest judging consists of a panel of teachers, advisors, and UB staff that come together. All pieces are submitted anonymously so we can judge strictly on writing, not knowing who submitted the piece. Each person on the judging committee picks their top four favorites.” says Heather Barry, the director of Upward Bound, when asked about the judging process. The winners are announced at the end of the summer program during the banquet.
Without a doubt, the students and leaders had an amazing time. I asked a couple of students who went on the trip what their favorite memory was, Makiah Craig said, “ My favorite memory on the trip was walking the plaza with Ashlyn because it was quiet, peaceful, and fun. I also really like walking at night.” Tatiana Abdelgabar responded to the same question saying “Probably all of us hanging out in the Jeep and talking and laughing.” This trip expanded friendships and created many fun memories!