For the first time in four years, the Alliance High School band took the hour-long trip to Chadron, Nebraska on October 7th. They competed in a drumline competition and street marching. The director Laura Mangas wasn’t able to attend due to prior arrangements. The middle school band director Shannon Kinsella stepped in to go with the band and help. Upon arriving at Chadron, the band unloaded their instruments from the buses and then got into parade formation. One of the right guides, trumpet player Bryanna Meggison states “The band and I especially had a great time marching Saturday.” After the parade, the drumline competed against other schools in a competition that played several different pieces, percussionist Maira Richey states “The drumline did really well. We were all on beat, and I hope we all felt proud.” Finally, after they finished the performance, they were dismissed and headed back to Alliance.
Later on after a great day of marching, the Bulldogs went back home. The score of the drumline contest has yet to be announced, if you are curious reach out to Laura Mangas or Shannon Kinsella at [email protected] or [email protected].