We’re at the end of the first quarter of the school year, and we can all agree that it’s tiring. It’s not easy getting up early in the morning and coming here everyday, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important! Student’s attendance is important to keep them from falling behind. Teachers are always looking out for their students and seeing them in class is part of that.
English teacher Mrs. Gustafson has said, “Grades are important, but never forget that they don’t define you as a person. Take everything in stride and enjoy the days as they come.” This isn’t something to just gaze over as another quote, because of the truth behind her words. Student’s aren’t equivalent to their grades, just as people aren’t worth what they can provide. No student is more important or greater than the next. Each one has their own strengths and weaknesses, but that doesn’t devalue them as a person.
Mrs. Soriano has said, “Four years of high school seems like a long time, but the years will fly quickly by! If you finish them as best you can, you will never regret it!”. You only have so long of high school, so make as many memories as you can while you’re here! Don’t let anything hold you back from doing the things you enjoy. If you’re anxious about joining a club or going out for a sport, that’s only you who is doubting yourself. Your teachers and peers want to see you succeed. Don’t let doubt or what others think of you stop you from pursuing a passion you have. Once said by Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it”.
This school year is important, and it’s important for students to be in class. It’s important not just for staff, but for student’s futures aswell. Looking out for students is every teacher’s goal. Seeing them progress and succeed is something that being in class can help achieve. All of Alliance High School’s students have a bright future! Be present for your classes as much as you can and always remember that you are capable of anything you put your mind to!