With a new school year, new rules and strategies are put into play. This 2023-2024 year is the introduction of R.I.S.E, an acronym with multiple categories. This acronym goes over factors in the bathroom, at assemblies, in the hallway, at the commons cafeteria, parking lot duties, the library and the gym. The goal with R.I.S.E is “to teach better behavior throughout a students life not just in highschool.”- Mr. Stein. With this being said, participating is encouraged and rewarded.
This new program is not only for the students but the teachers as well. Mr. Stein said, “A large part is to remember to teach and understand that is the standard and they need to uphold the standard.”. R.I.S.E is enforced on everyone. Affirming the acronym of responsibility, integrity, safety, and excellence throughout staff and students.
Responsibility goes over what is expected of us all in order to uphold and maintain our school. Integrity, this is the section of manners and honesty, if something is spilled or broken speak up about it. Next is safety, this goes over the protocols in every category in order to keep everyone out of harm’s way. Some examples are reporting if a peer is talking about hurting themselves or someone else, watching out for anything that can cause harm like a puddle, and knowing the drills (fire, tornado, and intruder). Last but not least is excellence. This school can only become better with the help of everyone, going above and beyond in helping others, cleaning up, and performing well on assignments is encouraged.
Now that we’ve discussed what R.I.S.E is, let’s talk about the results. Like nearly every other program there are sanctions. Bad behavior is seen and disciplined on a varying scale. With good behavior a student can be rewarded a R.I.S.E ticket. Turning this ticket into the office earns you a full size candy bar. With all this being said, following the R.I.S.E standards not only uplifts this school, but is rewarding as well!