Too much Caffeine
Many students drink different forms of caffeine for various reasons. Whether it be to keep them awake from lack of sleep or just because they enjoy the taste of it. Caffeine can come in many different forms, from regular soda to coffee, and even energy drinks.
In a poll sent out to all the students of Alliance High School, 103 students responded. When asked what forms of caffeine students drink there was a variety of responses, 64 responded by saying they enjoy drinking regular coffee. There were many different energy drinks chosen as students preferred drink. A few of the top picked drinks were Bang, Monster, Redbull, and NOS. Most of the other responses included drinking soda and a few different teas that also contain caffeine.
Many students have resorted to drinking caffeine in order to stay awake throughout the day. Whether it be after a long night studying or working on an abundance of homework. While saying this, there is a large majority of students who just enjoy the taste of caffeinated drinks and nothing more.
The students who responded gave many different reasons as to why they drink caffeinated drinks. Most said that they liked the drinks they are drinking or because it gives them energy to stay up throughout the day. While some did say that they drink caffeine because of staying up too late studying and doing homework.
According to the poll, the average student at Alliance High School gets anywhere from five to nine hours of sleep with a few getting even less. Many students do not believe that drinking caffeine has affected their sleep if anything they said their sleep had been affected due to work and homework. Most students believe they get enough sleep; however, multiple studies have provided information saying otherwise, according to one study done by VeryWell Health. Caffeine can not only cause sleep loss but also calcium loss in the bones which can lead to heart problems.
Some side-effects of drinking caffeine include insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, excitement and many more. Even with these negative side effects, consuming caffeine can have an upside. In a study done by Robert H. Shmerling, MD, a professor at Harvard there are some health benefits gained from drinking coffee or herbal teas which can cut down the risk of developing some of these diseases: cardiovascular disease (including heart attack, heart failure, and stroke), type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, uterine, and liver cancer, cirrhosis, and gout.
Of course, drinking caffeine is not a direct resort of lack of sleep, but it does play a role. More importantly, the amount of caffeine is what affects sleep. The recommended amount of caffeine consumption is, three 8oz. cups, or 250 milligrams. Students put that they drink “a lot” of caffeine some saying that they drink more than 4 Bangs or Monsters in one day. Some did respond saying they drink a cup of coffee or a single energy drink.
Drinking a moderate amount of caffeine at a reasonable time throughout the day can prove to be beneficial in some ways as long as you moderate the income.

Hi! I’m Yaasmyn Rodriguez. I’m 15, a sophomore in Alliance. My parents are Angelica and Jaime Rodriguez. This is my 1st year writing for The SPUD,...