The Worst of Us
In recent times, we have been emphasizing the idea of cool. Everyone wants to fit in. Time and time again, the outcasts of society are portrayed as those who belong there. Such as Grendel from Beowulf: unapproachable monsters.
However, is this so? Do we simply leave it at that? Are the “insiders” too locked in their own emotions to delve into the wavelengths of others? The desire to be tough and unrelenting has led to the attitude of “I have to be the best.” This emotional shutdown of society over the latest generations creates these two castes. In and out. There is a thick line that divides them. Neither communes with the other for fear of deviance. Therefore, I must ask…
How far have we fallen?
We’ve been told to hide, not confide.
Our feelings are volatile but not hostile.
Being a fool is not cool,
We need to feel to be real.
Our hearts produce art.
We have oceans of emotion.
To feel is to be human,
To be human is to feel.
Hone your emotions,
Let your feelings be known!
You won’t make friends
Who stay to the end
If your eyes stay dry
When you need to cry.
You blend with the crowd
If your emotions can’t be found.
People won’t know the best of us
If we only show the worst of us.
Emotions are seen as a weakness. Girls are “cool” if they never shed tears. Boys should “man-up” if they dare show feelings. This is the worst of us. Our social isolation is dripping into the next generation. Will you stand idly by? Or will you be revolutionary?

Hellooo there, Evelyn Irene Robertson writing in, bringing you the truth! The thoroughly edited truth. I am a senior this year despite the claims otherwise....