Why You Should Participate in Homecoming Week

It’s finally October and homecoming week is right around the corner. With this week full of school spirit, there are a multitude of activities that the student council arranges for us.
Coronation takes place on the Monday of homecoming week. There are six royalty candidates from each grade, three boys and three girls, except for seniors. The seniors have ten candidates with five boys and five girls. Everyone in the school can vote on the candidates in their grade and for King and Queen the week before homecoming. Each class, besides seniors, crowns a boy and a girl to be the attendant for their grade level. Seniors crown a Second Attendant, First Attendant, and a King and Queen. The traditional“Burning of the A” follows coronation.
On Tuesday of homecoming week, the activity that everyone can participate in is the Mini Olympics. The Mini Olympics consists of numerous “minute to win it” style games. Anyone can make or join a team, as long as teams consist of eight members. The winners of this competition get into the homecoming dance for free.
Friday, after school, is the homecoming parade. There are floats for each class that anyone that wants to can ride on. Both the middle school and high school band march in the parade and all of the royalty winners get to be in the parade as well. The Homecoming football game is also that night.
Along with these activities, everyday of homecoming week is a dress up day. This year, the theme is Disney. Each day fits the theme and has a specific description for how to dress that day. Monday is “Sleeping Beauty” meaning that students and staff can wear their pajamas. Tuesday is “Lilo and Stitch” for Hawaiin Day. Wednesday is “Incredibles” meaning dress like a superhero. Thursday is “High School Musical” for Jersey Day. And Friday is our traditional Blue and White day.
And of course, that Saturday is the much anticipated homecoming dance. Whether you were asked to homecoming, going with a friend, or by yourself, it doesn’t matter. The homecoming dance is a fun way to take a break from the stress of school, and go have a good time.
Now, the question at hand is, why should you participate in homecoming week? There are so many reasons to participate. Not only is homecoming a time when you can show your school spirit, but it is also a time to focus on having fun, and enjoying the activities the school puts on.
In my opinion, everyone should participate in homecoming week. Homecoming is a tradition in many highschools, including AHS. I believe that most of the students at AHS would hate to see this iconic week of your highschool career go away because people stopped participating.

Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Moomey. I am a senior at AHS, and this is my third and final year writing for the SPUD. This year I am Co-Editor-in-Chief...