AHS SPUD Attends NHSPA Fall Conference
On October 15, 2017, the Alliance High School journalism class left for Lincoln to attend the Nebraska High School Press Association Fall Convention (NHSPA) that took place Monday, October 16, 2017.
Every year, Mrs. Digmann takes her students to Lincoln for this convention. In past years, the conference has consisted of three sessions; however, this year, it was made up of four sessions. There are a variety of sessions to choose from and each student got to choose where they went. All sessions allowed students to learn all about how they can improve their journalism skills. The NHSPA Fall Convention is held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and it is definitely a unique experience to say the least.
“I enjoyed my experience at the journalism conference. I think I will use a lot of things that I learned while I was there. It was very helpful.” said Magi Hoff, a sophomore staff writer.
The day began with a few speakers, including Terry Pitkin, the NHSPA president, Maria Marron, the dean of UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications, and Michelle Hassler, the NHSPA executive director. We were also addressed by the creators of the “Wounds of White Clay” project. The keynote presentation was given by Chris Bowling, Marcella Mercer, Rebekka Herrera-Schlichting, and James Woolridge. The students then all left to attend the break-out sessions of their choice.
Each session lasted thirty minutes and were packed full of useful information that students can use to become the best journalists that they can be. Two sessions were held in the morning and two sessions were held in the afternoon after an hour long lunch break.
“I’ve attended the journalism conference all three years of my newspaper career and this one was definitely the most memorable one.” said Safyre Yearling, one of the two co-editor-in-chiefs for the SPUD.
Mrs. Digmann also stated that “This trip really seems to bond the staff after spending sixteen hours in a car together. They’re much more comfortable and are much more willing to express their ideas.”
This year’s NHSPA Fall Convention was definitely one to remember. Our students learned many helpful skills to improve their writing and they’re super excited to show you at ahsthespud.com!

Hey! I’m Allexis Rolstad and this is my second year at Alliance High School. I really enjoy being apart of extracurricular activities such as playing...