Apply to College Day
National Apply to College Day is just around the corner for the Class of 2018. On Thursday, October 26, all seniors will gather into the commons of Alliance High School to begin the process of applying to colleges they have been considering.
To start off this process, our school counselor, Ms. Dunn, will be sending out transcripts via email to all of the seniors. Ms. Dunn will go into the seniors’ English classes to talk to all of them about the expectations of applying to college and what information to have with them.
This big day only lasts an hour and a half. While most colleges have different applications, they all require the same information. Students may apply to however many schools they would like. There will be volunteers from the community, retired teachers, and any adults that have gone through the application process to help all of the seniors with any questions.
Ms. Dunn also adds “October has been declared Apply to College month by the governor.” Last year, 201 Nebraska high schools participated in these events which assisted 6,763 students submit 12,073 admissions applications to 242 colleges. Hopefully this big day helps just as many or more of the seniors this year!

Hey guys! I’m Thalia Gonzalez. This is my third year writing for the SPUD and my first year as Co-Editor-in-Chief! I am the only child of Tony Gonzalez,...