A New Wave of Change
There are some things that you would never expect to ever hear from anyone at Alliance High School. There are some people who believe that our school “sucks at everything we do.” However, there are a lot of people who over power the nay sayers, and are working to change everyone’s minds.
If someone were to bring up the culture at AHS, it would be somewhere along the lines of, “our softball team has not won a game in three years,” or “our football team never makes it to the playoffs,” or even “our dances are stupid because we cannot dance like other schools can.” A new phrase that students, teachers, and the community of Alliance should start saying is, “We are in a different era around here and things are starting to look up for us.”
The softball team did not win a single game as a varsity team until 2014 when new head coach Ashley Belmer took over. In 2015, yet another new head coach, Carlos Palamo took over. Ever since the coaching change, they have won more games, hit more than ever, and scored more runs with Coach Palamo just in the last two years. If you would have told someone from the community this year if they would have thought that the softball team would be getting third place in districts or winning 12 games in a season, they would have never believed you. But you’d better believe it, because there is a new wave of change coming and they will only go up from where they ended their season.
With as many seniors as there were on the AHS football team, it is obvious that they all wanted to win a playoff game and go to state. Of the deciding game for playoffs in overtime, the Bulldogs lost by a single touchdown. The seniors and the rest of the team hung their heads after this devastating game. Every single player on the team had nothing to be ashamed of. They all had a great season and they all played a great game. The football team had countless supporters this year just waiting for the team to do something fantastic. The team always showed up and gave the Alliance section, as well as the opposing section a good game. They had a good season and the way that Coach Seebohm is directing the team is leading them on the right path and their future is looking very bright.
In 2015, the Homecoming dance was shut down due to grinding, which is a dance against school policies. Ever since then, the dances and the students handle things more maturely.
There is a wave of cultural change that is spreading in Alliance and ninety-five percent of this change is positive and not only affects our school in a good manner, affects not only our school, but our community in a positive manner. With new coaches, teachers, and administration, our school is on the positive slope on the way that we handle ourselves, and how we change where we are going. It does take time for changes to make a slight effect in a large scale way. We improve with every activity and gain the feeling that there is more to come for us and our future looks very bright.

My name is Peyton Stoike. I’m a senior at AHS. I’ve played for the high school softball team since my freshman year. I’m a very good student, and...