School Year Band Farewell
From left to right; Matti Tunheim, Bailey Alwin, Preston Pohlman, Sheyenne Weaver, Sariah Grant, Josie Mantooth, Jake McCaffery, Emily Green, and Erica Escamilla
The final band concert was held on Tuesday May 10, 2016 at the Performing Arts Center. The evening started with an introduction of the night’s masters of ceremonies, Rhette Lewis and Peyton Stoike.
Emily Green was awarded the first award of the night for having the second highest amount of lettering points, the Patrick S. Gilmore Award. .” The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award was then awarded to David Beckett.
The band concerts first performers were the AHS Jazz Band playing “In the Mood” and senior tribute piece, “Over the Rainbow.
Soloist who had received a one at district music performed their solo or duet. The first order of individuals to play were Josie Mantooth on trumpet, Cade Stephenson and Peyton Stoike played a flute duet, and Zachary Young on trumpet. Each received a certificate from NSAA for receiving a one on their solo or duet.
The marching awards were then given out to Anthony Hare and Bailey Alwin. Sariah Grant on horn and Aubrie Lawrence on trumpet performed their solos that received NSAA certificates and also honorable mention in outstanding performance. Emily Green on trumpet and Cade Stephenson on flute performed their solos, received NSAA and outstanding performance certificates.
Mr. Heide then handed out letters and bars to those who had enough lettering points. First year letter winners were Cade Stephenson, Rachel Baker, Aubrie Lawrence, Sydney Waldron, and Zachary Young. Second year letter winners were Preston Pohlman, Bailey Alwin, Matti Tunheim, and Sydney Schneider. Third year letter winners were Peyton Stoike, Rhette Lewis, Sariah Grant, Emily Green, Erica Escamilla, Sheyenne Weaver, and Jake McCaffery, The fourth year letter winners were David Beckett and Jazlyn Hausmen.
The AHS band then played their selections for next year’s marching band show “Conflicts Within”. The songs included “The Dark Knight,” “Monster,” and “Thriller,” with an addition to come of “Sound of Silence.”
The band also previewed “Twin Fountains March” which they will be playing in the National Memorial Day parade in Washington DC on their trip.
The last award of the night that was given was the John Phillips Sousa Award given to Jazlyn Hausmen. The night rounded out with a thank you to everyone for all the support that has been given in multiple ways.
The band will be playing at graduation and in the National Memorial Day parade. With all of the hard work put in this year by the performers, next year is sure to be just as great!

My name is Peyton Stoike. I’m a senior at AHS. I’ve played for the high school softball team since my freshman year. I’m a very good student, and...