District Music 2016
Alliance High School has once again gained the privilege to host District Music Contest. Prior to last year’s district music held at Chadron State College, Alliance High School regained the right to host. In years prior, Alliance had held districts, which were run poorly. Last year, students traveled to CSC, to compete. With new music administration at Alliance, the school regained the competition. With the help of staff, students, and volunteers, the competition ran well and was an overall successful day.
Ratings correspond to a point system. A performer has to receive a certain amount of points to receive a 1, superior, or 2, excellent, and so on. The Alliance band performed first after lunch and received a 1. The jazz band also performed in the afternoon and received a 1. All choir and band solos were performed in the morning for Alliance. Peyton Stoike, flute, received a 2. Cade Stephenson, flute, received a 1. Emily Green, trumpet, received a 1, and won the outstanding solo award for the room that she performed in. Sariah Grant, French horn, received a 1. David Beckett, euphonium, received a 1. Courtney Little Hoop, trombone, received a 1. Josie Mantooth, trumpet, received a 1. Jake McCaffery, euphonium, received a 1. Aubrie Lawrence, trumpet, received a 1. Zachary Young, trumpet, received a 1. The flute duet consisting of Cade Stephenson and Peyton Stoike, received a 1. Rachel Baker, piano, received a 2. Grace Tolstedt, piano, received a 1. Elora Bleisch, cello, received a 1.
Show choirs performed in the morning, while standing choirs performed in the afternoon located in the library. Velocity received a 1, as did Harmonics. Mixed Choir received a 2. Soloists who received a 1 were Monique Wing, David Beckett, Trajan Garcia, Ian Montgomery, Grace Tolstedt, and Sheyenne Weaver. Soloists who received a two were Andrew Ochoa, Jazlyn Garza, Thalia Hinojosa, and Jordan Mak. The duet of Bailey Alwin and Cherokee Purviance received a 1 The duet of Renae Zeigler and Hannah Ross received a 2. The mixed trio consisting of Shelbi Tye, Salvador Valdez, and Tyler Boyer received a 2.
Overall, the students that competed from AHS, whether in a small group or individually, did very well. Congrats on the great day!

My name is Peyton Stoike. I’m a senior at AHS. I’ve played for the high school softball team since my freshman year. I’m a very good student, and...