Student Council Tries Something New
On Saturday, January 23, the Alliance High School student council put on a “Fun Night.” The night included, movies, several board games, basketball and Ping-Pong tournament, dodge ball games, and Wii games. Although the turnout wasn’t what we had hoped, the people who attended said they had fun. Student council is hoping it will spread and gain more attendance over time.
At the beginning of the year an idea was proposed to have a semi-formal homecoming; this formal would be in place of Winterball. The reasoning behind wanting this was so the girls wouldn’t have to purchase two formal dresses around the same time, the other dance being prom. Student council still wanted to do something fun for the students in the second semester. The “fun night” idea had been tossed around at the end of the last school year, so it was put into effect this year.
Members of student council came around 10 AM and set up for an hour and a half; tables, signs and the snack area were set up. Fun night officially started at six PM. Students wandered from station to station to get a feel for what there was to do. The winners of various games received a coupon for a pop and candy at the concession stand that was set up.
Student council sponsor Angie Hiemstra was impressed with the turn out, saying there was “more than expected.” Fun night was a relaxing night to go and hang out with friends, unlike a school dance. It’s something that student council is going to do again. We’re hoping next time that “word will spread and more people will attend.” The concessions were donated, so there was little profit from it, but “that was not the intent of it.”
Anthony Hare, student council president, thought it “was a success and I wish we could’ve done something like it before my senior year.” Overall, the night was a success.

Hello, I’m Morgan Johnston. I’m a senior at Alliance High School, and have been attending Alliance Public Schools since kindergarten. I am excited...