Snow Day
It happens every year. Waking up and looking out the window, seeing all the beautiful snow covering the trees, and waiting for school to be called off for the day. Everyone loves a snow day, but not when it’s finals week. Teachers’ lesson plans get ruined and everything pushed back a couple days. The snow day makes for a great day to relax, but when students go back in the middle of the week, it’s a little bit stressful. A big question for the seniors is if the schedule for graduation and senior breakfast is still on track. When asked about it, Principal George Clear said, “We haven’t discussed it yet, but there shouldn’t be any impact on graduation and senior breakfast. We do plan for this though. There are days planned in the calendar just so we can make up extra hours if we miss any due to the snow.” As he started looking through and showing the plans in the school calendar, he explained more that the schedule won’t change for the seniors. “The administration meets on this coming Monday to discuss the snow days. We also have a principal’s meeting. All of the principals from the district get together and meet to talk about issues like this.”
Schools were originally only supposed to be cancelled on Tuesday, and were supposed to go to school on a two-hour late start Wednesday. Shortly after students woke up to go to school Wednesday, the phone rings and we got the glorious message that school is canceled for the day again. Dr. Troy Unzicker, the Alliance Public Schools Super Intendant, said, “The late start was changed to all day due to the severity of the drifting snow, especially in the county, but some in town. We needed the extra time for city crews to clean the streets and for our staff to clear school property after the wind blew so strongly overnight.”
The administration will proceed with their meeting Monday to discuss the snow days and hour completion. Monday and Tuesday will be the last days of school for the week, which means finals, just what everyone loves. Everyone have a merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Hello! My name is Tucker Hill. I’m a 17 year old Senior at AHS. I have lived in Alliance and have been going to Alliance Public Schools my whole life....