Honor Band Concert
Tuesday, May 12, 2015, was the last band concert of the 2014-2015 school year. The concert started out with the Jazz Band. The Jazz Band is composed of 16 members. The Jazz Band played three songs that they performed at districts. They also added another song. The first song was “Brass Attack” which featured Anthony Hare on piano, Betsy Goodell on horn, Bethany Baker on trombone, and Brendan Coward on drums. The second song was “Flat Tire Shuffle” which featured Rhett Lewis on trombone and Andy Hardin on guitar. The third song was “Baby, That’s What I Need (Walk Tall)” which featured David Beckett on trumpet, Aydin Mack on trumpet, Andy Hardin on guitar, and Alexis Garret on bells. The song added after districts was “Free Bird”. This song featured Andy Hardin on guitar as well as Bethany Baker, Betsy Goodell, Aydin Mack, and Alexis Garrett as the senior ensemble. Mr. Heidi also asked the audience to wave their cellphones in the air if they felt that the piece moved them. The last piece received a standing ovation as well as the whole audience involved in cellphone swaying.
After the jazz band got done, those who performed a solo at district music and received a superior performed their solos. The order of solos went, Christa Horn on clarinet, Sariah Grant on horn, Alexis Garrett on marimba, Jake McCaffrey on baritone, Will Grant on trumpet, Betsy Goodell on horn, David Beckett on baritone, Emily Green on trumpet, Bethany Baker on trombone, Alexis Garrett on marimba, and Aydin Mack on trumpet.
After the last solo was done, Mr. Heidi handed out letters and pins to those who earned enough lettering points. There were twenty-seven first year letter winners, sixteen second year letter winners, seven third year letter winners, and six fourth year letter winners.
The band then performed the two pieces that they received a superior rating on at districts. The first piece was “Overture for Winds” and the second piece was “Pax”. After the band performed their concert band pieces, Mr. Heidi handed out awards from District Music. Those who received a superior rating got a certificate. Emily Green, Alexis Garrett, Bethany Baker, and Aydin Mack got awards for receiving a perfect score on their solos. Bethany Baker received an honorable mention for her solo, and Aydin Mak received the Outstanding Performer award. Aydin Mack also received the Sousa award, which is awarded to a band leader as well as someone with the most lettering points. Handing out these awards gave the band students time to change from concert band to marching band. The band then performed their new music for the 2015-2016 marching band show. The order of the new songs were “Counting Stars”, “Learn to Fly”, and “Into the Clouds”. The marching band portion also was used to introduce the drum majors for next years marching band season. The senior drum major is Jazyln Hausmann and the junior drum major is Erica Escamilla. The night was wrapped up with a thank you to all the parents and band students and a thank you present presented to Mr. Heidi from the seniors.

My name is Peyton Stoike. I’m a senior at AHS. I’ve played for the high school softball team since my freshman year. I’m a very good student, and...