
Coronation is a time when students meet in the gym and get excited and pumped up for the big homecoming game! The cheerleader’s preform, the band plays some music, and homecoming royalty gets announced!

Coronation was Thursday October 10th, 2013. Coronation is filled with tradition especially the burning of the A. The burning of the A is when all the students from all the classes go down and watch the A burn and shout out our class graduation years! This year the burning of the A was unable to be done due to the weather.

Our cheerleaders do cheers to get the school pumped up and excited for the big homecoming game on Friday night. During coronation the band always sits in the bleachers and plays music when the students and parents leave and come into the gym. They play the national anthem and the school fight song. The cheerleaders do a dance, that they put long hard practices into for the student body along with parents. Mr. Cheerleader is a group of guys who get together and they get to be a cheerleader for the night and win some awards depending on their outfits, their attitudes, and their dance moves.

            Homecoming royalty was announced and the Senior homecoming king was Jun Hyung Kim and homecoming queen was Rylee Trout. Saturday they get to ride in a convertible during the parade.

Coronation is a good time for all students and parents to come to the school and show there school spirit. Students get pumped up for the big Friday night homecoming football game.