Homecoming 2013: Mash the Raiders
Homecoming week is full of fun and spirit. Everyone in AHS is excited to participate. There is the football game, coronation, and the burning of the A, but homecoming isn’t just about the football game on Friday night. It’s about all the sporting events all year, to boost your spirit and encourage you to come to more games, not just the homecoming game because everyone else does.
This year Monday is twin day. You and one of your friends dress alike and you are twins.
Tuesday is black out. The volleyball team has a home game this day so they are encouraging kids to go to the game and dress in all black.
Wednesday is mix match day. Everyone dresses crazy, and it’s an excuse to wear your most ridiculous clothes. This is also the first day for the scramble tournament, which ends on Thursday.
Tropical Thursday is where people dress like they would in a warmer climate, or like tourists. Thursday night is also coronation and the Burning of the A.
Friday is blue and white day, the parade, and the football game. This years theme is “Mash the Raiders” to go with the Autumn of the Bricks theme, of “potatoes.”
I personally would like to see more things being done for homecoming and I don’t think our school encourages enough to get involved, which is what homecoming week is all about. A lot of kids have been saying they wish there would be more activities that they want to do, but the ideas get rejected. It would get a lot more students involved. Lets make the best of homecoming week and “Mash the Raiders!” Go Bulldogs!

Hello, I’m Morgan Johnston. I’m a senior at Alliance High School, and have been attending Alliance Public Schools since kindergarten. I am excited...