On Sunday, February 26, five Alliance High School Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) members went to Kearney, Nebraska, for a two day Peer Education Retreat. Attendants included senior Brianne Hoesing, juniors Shelby Ackerman and Ellie Applegarth, sophomores Flor Acosta and Ashley Quick, and FCCLA Advisor Cathy Kloch.
Brianne Hoesing gave a five-hour presentation about safe driving, which included both facts and activities. After a video presentation about the dangers of distracted driving, FCCLA members were split into groups of ten and participated in several activities involving activities such as t-shirt safety contests and pushing another person in a rolling chair through an obstacle course while texting. There were over 72 people at her presentation.
The next day, Monday morning, over 400 FCCLA members gathered for opening sessions. Members were then separated into three groups and attended sessions the rest of the morning. The sessions include several speakers and a variety of learning activities as well as a break with the Kearney YMCA Zumba class. After lunch members attended a presentation of “The Magic of Laughter” with Susan Brown. Mrs. Kloch says “This trip was a good opportunity for students to see the three different teams for Peer Education and for them to have an experience with those three.”
The Alliance High School FFCLA members plan to attend FCCLA Star State in April.