Alliance Family, Carreer, and Community Leaders of Amercia (FCCLA) competed at the District 12 FCCLA STAR contest on January 18, 2012. Many of them earned Silver and Gold awards for their hard work and some of them will go on to compete at the State STAR contest in April.
Adrianna Boyles, freshman, earned a Gold award and will compete at State in Nutrition and Wellness; Ashley Quick, sophomore, earned a Gold award and will compete at State in Life Event Planning; Sophomores Ellie Applegarth and Shelby Ackerman received a Silver and will compete at state in National Programs in Action; Seniors Bri Hoesing and Valerie Beraun received a Silver award and will compete at state in Chapter Service; Freshman, Katlyn Mittan and Debra Walker received a Silver award and will compete at state in Health and Wellness; Senior, Delta Wilson received a Gold award in Illustrated Talk; Flor Acosta, sophomore received a Gold and will compete at state in Recycle & Redesign. The following students competed but will not be able to compete at State, senior Bridget Ackerman and junior Kacey Horn recived a Silver award in Illustrated Talk; Junior, Angello Warfield recived a Silver award in Teach and Train. The FCCLA competition events all involve extensive projects, displays or notebooks, and a presentation.