School Snow Safety

As we students watch the snow fall we’d hope for a snow day the next day. Students wait for the text/call telling us no school, when it never comes. In Alliance NE most of our students live in the country. When it’s snowing and the snow gets compacted it causes the formation of ice. Then the ice starts to build up on the roads causing it to be extremely difficult for country kids to get to school. Even student in town have trouble sliding around the roads. That is very dangerous and can cause many accidents. As a school we worry about our safety.
Kids are at greater risk for frostnip and frostbite than adults. The best way to prevent it is to make sure they’re dressed warmly and don’t spend too much time in extreme weather.
I think that when the roads are very icy we should at least have a late start so that it gets warmer outside. This makes it so that it is safer for the students to get to school.

Hello everyone! I’m Emma Machado, daughter of Amy and Derrick Machado. I am a sophomore at Alliance High School and this is my first year in the Spud....