Death Penalty

To have or to not have the death penalty in Nebraska is a very hot topic right now. There are lots of people who believe it is only fair to punish criminals for their horrid decisions in this way. There are others who think it is almost hypocritical to kill someone for killing. But whatever side, the death penalty has both it’s pros and cons.
How could the death penalty be positive? The death penalty would cost less for the government. It could prevent other likely criminals from committing felonies, and bring guilty criminals to justice. How could the death penalty be negative? The death penalty can be out of revenge, the criminal could be wrongly accused for the crime, and most criminals are suffering from mental illnesses.
To provide the basic needs of inmates for years is extremely expensive. The death penalty is considered to be a cheaper way to punish criminals. Knowing that committing such harsh crimes could be the one decision that ends someone’s life could help with crime rates. As a victim and/or family to the victim, bringing the “monster” to justice seems a bit far. It gives them a sense of security and may help give them some closure making them want the death penalty legal.
To kill someone for killing appears to be more like revenge than justice. Killing is a crime but legal capital punishment is not? Many accused criminals are set up, or staged at the crime scene and accused, but are innocent. To commit a crime so harsh, there must be a story about the criminal that is not being told. People ignore suffering from mental illnesses everyday, but many are too interested in their own feelings and emotions to even see the hurt in others.
I have a hard time being one hundred percent for one side or the other. I feel that it would help to not have to pay so much for the inmates. I also feel that the death penalty is extremely hypocritical. “Who exactly gives us the right to kill? If killing is wrong, then why are we allowed to kill?” John Grisham once said. I love this quote about the death penalty because that is exactly how I feel about the subject. But it is up to the voters of Nebraska to decide.

Hi, my name is McKenna Romick I am now going into my fourth year of high school and my third year being a writer for The SPUD. The spring of my sophomore...