As the semester progresses, an Upward Bound college visit is to take place. This fall, a group of twelve students traveled to Norfolk and Lincoln, Nebraska to learn more about Northeastern Community College and University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Accompanied by Upward Bound director, Heather Barry, and student advisor, Kevin Coy Jr, the students toured the campus, learned their history, and opportunities. Provided with rooms, three meals, and activities such as axe throwing and walking through the Nebraska History Museum; these trips are extremely fun!
When asking Jocelyn Vergil about her favorite part of the college trip she said, “My favorite part of the college visit was definitely learning about the colleges and what they had to offer.” Students having the chance to learn about certain aspects of a college and understand what they are looking for helps them with their college searching. “It helped me learn that I want to study in a big environment, and understand that for my wanted future I’ll have to study at multiple schools to achieve my goal.” says Makiah Craig when asked about how the trip helped her learn to understand her wants for college. Mr. Coy says, “The reason why Upward Bound takes college visits is because it is a part of our grant through the U.S. Department. of Education. Furthermore, the ideology behind it is to expose students at an early age to what college is and what institutions would fit their academic, social, and emotional needs at that post-secondary institution.” Upward Bound’s goal is to help students continue onto college and going on these trips is a step toward achieving that goal.
Throughout this year there will be one more visit, when asking Mr. Coy about the plan for this visit he said, “There are plans for our next college visits, however, we are working on a location.” “To someone looking into joining these college trips, I would definitely say go for it! It’s so beneficial to see different campuses and get a feel for what college life is like.” said Jocelyn Vergil. Talk to Mr. Coy in room 207 for these great opportunities!