Band Trip to Atlanta Georgia
The month of March 2023, it was official that the Alliance High School band was welcomed to play in the Atlanta Georgia Chik-fil-A Bowl on live television. Of course living in a small town this became a huge deal. The band is traveling 1,362.5 miles away. They are traveling by plane which is a lot of money for more than 100 students. The cost for one student to fly there and back, and to have a week-long stay at a hotel is about $800. Of course our athletic director Mrs. James, and our principal Mr. Stein doesn’t want everyone paying this alone. As a band they decided on doing many different fundraisers to make sure everyone makes it to this amazing event. Some fundraisers that have already been done are the spaghetti feed, as well as selling many flavors of jerky. We still have more fundraisers to accomplish this amazing goal, and for our amazing trip. Through the fundraisers we have been able to make more than half of our goal!
This event is a once in a lifetime opportunity and everyone would love to see us put Alliance on the map! We have so much support around us and the community loves to help us out. We even have some of the community offering to be chaperones for which everyone is made sure to be safe. The band will leave December 26th, 2023 and stay a week in Atlanta. Of course we have planned to do other fun activities while we are there such as visiting the Coke Museum, the aquarium, and so much more! “The band would love to have everyone aboard and to support us the whole way through the ups and downs we may face” said Mrs. Mangas. The band would love to thank all who have already helped so much!

Hello everyone! I’m Emma Machado, daughter of Amy and Derrick Machado. I am a sophomore at Alliance High School and this is my first year in the Spud....