2021 Graduation
On Sunday, May 9, 2021, the Alliance High School Senior Class of 2021 graduated. The graduation ceremony started at two o’clock and luckily this year there were no restrictions. Last year, graduates were given a limited number of tickets that friends and family had to have in order to attend.
The processional started with next year’s Student Council President Shelbee Burke and Vice President Chloe Mann leading out the graduates as the AHS band played “Pomp and Circumstance.” Once everyone was in their seats, the AHS band played the National Anthem. Principal George Clear then welcomed everyone.
The top scholars of the class were announced including the upper quarter of the class and those who achieved Summa Cum Laude (3.95-4.0 GPA), Magna Cum Laude (3.90-3.94 GPA) and Cum Laude (3.85-3.89 GPA). Students who earned these honors were given medals and wore them along with cords. The ceremony proceeded with heartfelt and inspiring Senior Speeches from Saphina Achi and Parker Dahlberg. Next, Assistant Principal Tera Digmann announced the 39 students who earned scholarships and awards.
Following that, seniors who are entering the military were honored and thanked for their service. These seniors included: Gatlin Schnell, Asa Johnson, Parker Dahlberg, Bryson Darveau, Ethan Heisler, Jaxon Minnick, Michael VanKerrebrook, Manuel Montemayor-Delatorre III and Christopher Torres.
Clear happily announced the Class of 2021 and the moment everyone was waiting for finally happened- the graduates were presented with their diplomas. After everyone received their diplomas, the class was led onto the track while their class song, “You’re Gonna Miss This” by Trace Atkins played. They then moved their tassels to the left of their cap and threw them in the air, excited for the next chapter of their lives.
This class endured hardships no other class has before- from quarantines, to missing events due to Covid-19 and numerous other restrictions- but they were able to stay strong and achieve numerous accomplishments. Many seniors wore cords for various activities including: National Honor Society, Academic Decathalon, FCCLA, Quill and Scroll, FFA, FBLA, Choir and Speech.
The Class Moto was “I’ll take the good with the bad and never regret the past. I’ll never take the present for granted because the future is coming fast” said by Willaim Brown. Their class colors were silver and navy blue and their class flower was a white rose.
Congrats to the Class of 2021. The Spud would like to say farewell to senior writers Kelsey Horton and Karly Wangler. Good luck in your future endeavors!

Hi everyone! I’m Shelbee Burke, a senior at AHS. This is my third year writing for the Spud and I am the Co-Editor and Chief with the exquisite Morgan...