Flooding Devastates Nebraska
During this last week, Nebraska has gone through a state of devastation never seen before. The western side was hit with a two day blizzard, resulting in schools across the panhandle cancelling school. The eastern side of NE not only had massive amounts of snow melting, but there was also plenty of rain, resulting in an immense flooding.
Nebraska has more miles of waterways than any other state in the Union. 79,000 miles in total, and every one of them is flooding. This catastrophe all began with a “bomb cyclone” that occured over the central US with hurricane like winds and blizzard conditions. Thousands of eastern families are now homeless because they had no other choice but to evacuate due to the rising flood waters. People have gone missing and some are even stranded, while cattle and livestock are stranded or have drowned, causing immense loss in agriculture. Governor Pete Ricketts told CNN that this is probably the most devastating flood in our state’s history.
Four lives have been lost thus far, including a farmer who attempted to rescue a group of people who were stranded. He drove his tractor across a bridge in hopes to reach the group, but it collapsed beneath him.
Multiple Nebraskans have turned to social media to express their resentment towards national news corporations that have not batted an eye at the state’s chaos. People have shown heart wrenching pictures from the wreckage, and others are remarking how significant this flooding really is due the livestock and crops that feed the nation being underwater. This flooding has and will affect all of America, so most Nebraskans are bewildered on why the nation knows nothing about it. Many tweets express how it would be different if “Nebraska wasn’t Nebraska”, meaning that there would be more attention if it was any other state.
Nebraskans have all come together to help one another, and the Nebraska National Guard has done wonders to help those who are stranded. There is even a Go Fund Me that has raised more than 200,000 dollars to help repair the damage and losses. May the people of Nebraska unite as one to preserve through this wreckage. May those lost in this devastating event be missed and remembered.

Hello, I am Maycee! I am a senior at Alliance High School, and this is my second year writing for the Spud! I am the daughter of Tara and Deon Quick. I...