NHS: 2018 Induction Ceremony
On Monday, March 26, students, parents, and faculty members gathered in the Performing Arts Center for the Newberry-Pate Chapter National Honor Society induction ceremony. Five council members went through the applications and selected new members to be inducted into the society. In total, forty students pledged membership to this year’s National Honor Society: 17 current and 23 new.
NHS President, Cameron Collins, kicked off the ceremony with a short, welcoming introduction and placed the first candle in the center, symbolizing the work or service the society does to make the world a brighter place. Following Secretary, Ashlee Walleson stepped up to the podium to speak of the history of National Honor Society. Ashlee then introduced Vice President, Dani Carter, who further discussed the history of National Honor Society.
Current members Jorgen Johnson, Lane Applegarth, Safyre Yearling, and Shae Toof took the podium to speak about National Honor Society’s defining characteristics: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Each of them lit a candle and placed it in the center of the stage. From here, Cameron Collins asked all members to rise and recite the induction pledge.
After all members pledged and lit their candles; the juniors received their membership pins and certificates. Incoming seniors also received their pins, certificates. In addition, seniors were given chords to wear at graduation. Current seniors also received their graduation chords. Mrs. Angie Hiemstra then spoke about the criteria that council members had to judge applicants on for induction.
In his closing comments, Principal, George Clear, addressed new and current members about the dedication and accomplishments that they had done to get to receive this prestigious honor.
Following the ceremony, a punch and cookie reception took place in the commons area. The inducted juniors were Diana Acosta, Lourdes Acosta, McClain Adamson, Brielle Alwin, Rachel Baker, Alivia Carlson, Jensen Curtiss, Madison Gibson, Madison Korte, Aubrie Lawrence, Hannah Middleton, Shelbi Mills, Adriana Olvera, Zachary Placek, JunSang Robbins, Ryley Rolls, Cade Stephenson, Elise Stoike, Sydnie Waldron, and Luxie West.
The newly inducted senior members were Autumn Hoff, Kyler Stevens, and Matti Tunheim.
Current members were Lane Applegarth, Jaiden Brown, Dani Carter, Cameron Collins, MaKayla Davidson, Taylor Hopp, Dylan Horton, Bailey Johnson, Jorgen Johnson, Nathan Lauder, KayLee McDonald, Sydney Nordeen, Josephine Otto, Grace Tolstedt, Shae Toof, Ashlee Walleson, and Safyre Yearling.
Congratulations to all the new members of National Honor Society!

Hey Spud buds! My name is Safyre Yearling! I am the 17 year old daughter of the late Amanda Preiss and Lance, and my amazing mother figure, Mandy. I am...