Aid reaches poverty stricken town
On January 6, 2016, a new video showing the extreme poverty in the small Syrian town of Madaya, has recently covered social media. Madaya, Syria, is a town of about 40,000 people. The town has been taken over by pro-government officials. The town has been surrounded by land mines, the food has run out, and the people are trapped in.
The video begins with a small child, bones clearly visible, claiming he has been without food for seven days, followed by “I swear.” The next clip shows a baby girl, just a few months old, who is severely malnourished. The woman in the background says she’s been without milk for a month. Instead, the baby is fed a water and salt mixture.
Khaled al Adlaby is a nurse anesthetist in Madaya. An over the phone interview revealed some of the conditions of people she’s cared for. “People faint, they are sick because of the severe malnutrition people suffer from. We have to hook them to serum lines, give them drinks and anything that can lift their sugar levels because sometimes they haven’t eaten in two, three or four days.”
Toward the end of the video, citizens of Madaya are shown holding up a sign stating “Pope/UNSC! We don’t mind if Assad kills the adults, but please, save Madaya’s children who are starving to death.”
The United Nations war crimes investigators began to search for more solid evidence of the poverty situation. On January 11, 2016, five days after the release of the video, an aid convoy reached Madaya, carrying food and medicine for the first time, since October 2015.
Many are claiming the Syrian government faked the images to get free food and medicine. Others are spreading the images around, starting charities and more to help the cause. More aid will be sent to Madaya in the following weeks.

Hey Spud buds! My name is Safyre Yearling! I am the 17 year old daughter of the late Amanda Preiss and Lance, and my amazing mother figure, Mandy. I am...