Pennsylvania Man $7 Million Lottery
A family member is sick, so what do we all do? Go to the store and get a cheesy $1.99 get-well card. On occasions, we purchase a small little something to place inside of the card. In Pennsylvania man, Joseph Amorese’s, get-well card the ‘gift’ was one he will remember for a lifetime.
Joseph Amorese and his wife Jodi have been married for just ten months. Joseph is a project manager for a technology company and Jodi is a social worker. After Joseph had surgery, he was presented with a get-well card from his father. Amorese said that it is not unusual for his father to be giving lottery tickets as gifts.
Joseph Amorese’s lottery ticket seemed to be a little different though. Inside Amorese’s get-well card was the winning New York scratch-off lottery ticket. The lottery ticket ended up giving Joseph and Jodi $4.6 million after taxes. Joseph and Jodi plan to use some of the money to go on a second honeymoon.
“I took my glasses off; I’m looking at it; I was pretty shocked to say the least,” Joseph Amorese said. “I had surgery; so I didn’t jump up and down, but in my mind I was jumping up and down.”
“My life, I don’t expect it to change a whole lot,” he said. “I’m still going to go to work every day. My wife’s gonna go to work, and we’re going to invest the money and enjoy life.”
Jodi Amorese said she was “still dumbfounded by the whole thing.” “Holy cow, holy cow. It really is an unbelievable experience,” she said.
This experience will be one the Joseph and Jodi Amorese will never forget.

Hey guys! My name is Madison Hiemstra, I am the 17 year old daughter of Randy and Angie Hiemstra and currently a senior here at Alliance High School. I...