Burger King Baby

On Tuesday, March 24, Katheryn Deprill finally met her biological mother. When she was just hours old, her mother left her in Burger King’s bathroom, in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and 27 years later Katheryn met her mother.


Katheryn had made a sign saying “Looking for my birth mother… She abandoned me in the Burger King bathroom only hours old, Allentown, PA. Please help me find her by sharing my post.” This spread quickly across Facebook. After three weeks, her birth mother made contact with an attorney stating that she was the mother.


Katheryn did not understand why her mother could do such a thing; however she did appreciate that her mother left her somewhere dry and warm. An attorney had made arrangements for the two to meet. When they did finally meet, the mother had explained everything.


The mom who did not want to be identified stated she was raped at the age 16, and hid the pregnancy from her family. She gave birth at age 17 and then dropped the newborn baby off at Burger King.


Katheryn, a mother of 3 says, she is lucky her mom did not just throw her away like some cruel people today. She was smart enough to let her live, but place her where she would be found.


Katheryn is content because she can start a relationship with her real mother now. They have agreed to stay in contact, and they are learning more and more about each other daily. The mother lives in the same area as well, and she has met her grandchildren and looks forward to spending the rest of her life with them. She says, “at least it is a starting point.”


The attorney said, “She was a kid in high school. Back then, you couldn’t just go to a hospital and drop the baby off, no questions asked.” This makes things much easier because Katheryn understands her mother. She is not mad or frustrated with any of this she is just happy to meet her mom.