My Thankgiving Experience

One of the most important and celebrated holidays in America is Thanksgiving, which took place on November 28. I had only heard this holiday on the TV and a movie so I was pretty excited to be able to live another experience with my host family and friends.
We started the day by preparing some dishes to take over to our friend’s house. My host mother cooked some ham, made green bean casserole, and pies.
We arrived to the house and my host parent’s friend taught me how to check if the turkey was cooked right and showed me all the different dishes she had prepared.
After that we started preparing the table with all the “typical” dishes. While I helped lay everything down it was getting me really excited to taste everything. The turkey looked great and when we sat down to start our Thanksgiving lunch, tasted amazing. I personally enjoyed eating the turkey with mashed potatoes. The pies were delicious too, especially the cherry and apple.
I really like the idea of families and friends getting together to celebrate this important event of the American culture. I think it’s a wonderful opportunity to share a good meal and fun moments with loved ones. I would totally like to repeat this event in the future however, I was really full and didn’t feel like doing anything after I ate the meal.