The Alliance Jazz Band has been working very hard and preparing for the art gala. Everyone is very happy about the effort and work put into their songs. The art gala has been going on for about four years now, and the jazz band has played for every single one. Many people enjoy hearing the jazz band play and enjoy looking at the multiple art collections displayed. The art club also puts a lot of effort into it.
In an interview with Charolette she states,” I believe the art gala is a cool and good idea. It’s not only showing the music’s art but also the artist’s art”. She likes the jazz band playing for the art gala because it adds more in to the overall experience. When she first played for the art gala, she enjoyed it. It was a fun thing to do.
Maci Cornish, a sophomore in the jazz band, states,” I enjoy the art gala. It gives us a chance to show the community that these aren’t just classes in school”. She has a solo the first year and was very nervous, but loves the art gala because it gives them a chance to showcase their talent and skills.
The art gala is a big deal, not only for jazz band but also for art club and choir. Everyone works hard to make sure it goes smoothly and they spend months in advance planning and making things for it. It’s overall very exciting and everyone loves to hear the jazz and choir sing. They also love to see the amazing art that is hung on the walls from art classes. The gala is March 21st, 2023. We hope to see you there!