Upcoming Games: March 2016
Three months into the New Year, the gaming world is picking up speed. With tons of new games making their appearance on every console available out there, three of them caught my eye as the most innovative, yet.
The Division – March 8th
A Smallpox pandemic, transmitted by a virus planted onto banknotes, spreads on the world’s busiest day, Black Friday. It takes the United States government and basic services only five short days to fail, sending the US into mass chaos. Set in mid-crisis Manhattan, the mission is to restore order. Your player can carry up to three weapons, with explosives, such as sticky bombs and smart mines. This game is set in third-person, such as games like those in the Grand Theft Auto series. Available for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Hitman – March 11th
Become Agent 47, an extremely well-trained assassin, and travel to international locations to eliminate your targets. Players are given a vast amount of space to get creative with their assassination tactics. By using guns or explosives, you may assassinate from afar. If you’re more of an up close and personal kind of killer, you can use other weapons, such as garrote wire and various blade weapons. These missions are ranked according to time taken, number of innocent people killed, number of witnesses/TV captures or whether any special equipment was left behind. Similar to the other Hitman games before it, the final game of the series is sure to leave a lasting impression on gamers everywhere. Available for PS4, PC and Xbox One.
Need For Speed – March 15th
The creators of Need For Speed, released a statement on their website, stating “We’re incredibly proud of how good Need for Speed looks visually, a sentiment we know many of you share, and we’re excited to show you the game running at a higher frame rate.”
With the same adrenalin rush that Need for Speed gave with its handheld versions, this game is bringing it all for the PC version. The creators are hoping the extra tweaks to the mechanics we’ve all come to love, along with new parts, will bring the PC version of the game to life. If you’re already a member of Origin Access, a free way to download and keep all your games together, you can play the game early for a limited time, starting March 10th.
The 2016 gaming year was off to a slow start, but this month is just proof that the pace is picking up. These games are sure to keep everyone, of all tastes, everywhere occupied. Until next time, fellow gamers.

Hey Spud buds! My name is Safyre Yearling! I am the 17 year old daughter of the late Amanda Preiss and Lance, and my amazing mother figure, Mandy. I am...