Grand Theft Auto V: Online – Game Review

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As previously said in my Grand Theft Auto V review, Rockstar has had some glitches in the system for both single player and multiplayer, but have since fixed the problems and even gave the patient players a stimulus package of $500,000 after fixing all the bugs that the game had online, as long as they played at least once during the month of October. Focusing on the basics of single player controls and mechanics, GTA Online is a more moldable version of the story in the sense that the “story” is taking place before, during, and after the main plot takes place.

            With the ability to connect to random servers around the world and play with a wide variety of players, there are a few problems with how people play and interact with each other. True, you may meet a few people who can get on your nerves and really make you angry, even sometimes ruining your online experience, but Rockstar has acknowledged the concern of players and has added a new system used to separate those who play for fun and those who play to make others angry. The system has given an appropriate name to those who play just to cause anger. “Bad Sports”: and to those who play for fun, Good Sports who occasionally receive rewards for playing nice and fair, and uses these names to separate people into separate servers. Rockstar has tried to make online gaming as stable and fun as possible for players by releasing multiple updates, patches, and the stimulus package in an attempt to keep their fan base both happy and wanting to play more. While being able to spend time with friends and meet new people online there is always a problem of the player’s connection to the server from where they are located, connection to the Internet, and the player’s willingness to stay with a certain group of people.

            GTA V Online is a separate and extremely fun part of the game that includes many of the single player activities and more ways to play. Thanks to Rockstar and the many patches and updates they put out, the players can enjoy the time they spend online and offline. Being a separate part of Grand Theft Auto V, we should expect to see many changes in weapons, gameplay, and graphics. This separate title deserves a 6 out of 10.