October’s To Be Released – Games
Many noteworthy games are to be released this month for consoles and PC, but here are just a few.

Cabela’s: African Adventure, October 15th
Coming to all platforms on October 15th, “Cabela’s: African Adventures” is another exciting installment to the series of top selling hunting games. Being the first open world game in the series making it one of the largest maps you can hunt on.

Wipeout: Create and Crash, October 15th
On the same day, “Wipeout: Create and Crash” is released and gives you a fully customizable character and adds both human created courses and AI created courses, which makes the gameplay unending and entertaining.

Lego: Marvel Super Heroes, October 22nd
Continuing the hit block building series “Lego: Marvel Super Heroes” hits the shelves October 22nd. Along with its usual gameplay “Marvel Super Heroes” gives the player over a hundred different heroes and villains and makes it the largest Lego game in the series so far.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, October 22nd
Based on the Nickelodeon TV show, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” hits stores October 22nd. The game features a drop in and drop out beat-em-up gameplay style and allows level ups, secondary collectibles, and additional multiplayer modes.

Plankton’s Robotic Revenge, October 22nd
Along with the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, “Plankton’s Robotic Revenge” releases October 22nd and takes you back to the underwater city of Bikini Bottom to help Spongebob and his friends retrieve the Krabby Patty formula from Plankton.

Raven’s Cry, October 24th
On October 24th,“Raven’s Cry” drops. “Raven’s Cry” is a swashbuckling adventure, bird companion, and hook handed included. The game includes a morality system, tons of side quests, as well as fear and notoriety meter.

Batman: Arkham Origins, October 25th
Coming out on October 25th is a prequel to the more recent Batman games, “Batman: Arkham Origins.” Focusing on Batman’s core detective skills the game adds new gadgets, a rustic feel, and a new multiplayer gameplay that adds to the already popular game series.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, October 29th
For the last multiplatform release, we get to see the next look at the Assassin’s Creed series on October 29th, “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag”. “Black Flag” takes place right after “Assassin’s Creed III” and provides answers to the continuing questions surrounding the series. Playing as Edward Kenway, who not only is a trained assassin but a famous pirate and privateer. Following ship battles from the previous game, “Black Flag” allows players to fight ships and in the Caribbean with a fresh setting and experience.

Deadly Premonition (Director’s Cut), October 31st
Moving on to exclusives the PC is the only one to get exclusives this late. Being released on October 31st, “Deadly Premonition” is released and is a remake of the first “Deadly Premonition.” With amazing graphics and new costumes this should make the game entirely moldable.
Be sure to read next months “To Be Released” for more games, movies, and music, and be sure to read other stories on The Spud.