Coach Stein is a first year physical education teacher here at Alliance High School. He has a degree in K-12 Health and Physical Education from Chadron State College. Stein teaches Physical Education and Strength & Conditioning. When I asked him why he teaches them he said, “It’s what I did in high school, I thought if I could do what I love and get paid for it why not.” Although, he loves what he teaches he said if he had to teach a different class he would teach history. When I asked why he stated, “I think it’s very interesting and important, especially American History, It shapes what we do today.”
Stein’s love for teaching comes mostly from his parents and grandparents because, “My family has a lot of teachers in it, my grandpa, my uncle, [and] my dad. They are all huge inspirations” He also mentioned that he wants to follow in their footsteps and perform at the same level as they did. However, not all of his love for teaching comes from his family, he also said,“I’ve kind of known I wanted to teach since I was in high school I found it interesting.”
Stein is also coaching the AHS football team, this is his first year coaching at AHS but he has coached in college. Prior to this he also played quarterback at Chadron State. When asked about his opinion on coaching the team he said,”I felt like this was a place that could be really good so I went for it.”
Mr. Stein hopes he can make an impact on the physical education of the school and help people find the same love in physical education that he has!