Mrs. Bair

I interviewed Jacque Bair, she is one of Alliance High School’s secretaries. Mrs. Bair has been married for 21 years and has four children; Jaxon, Carson, Lilah, Dixon, and two dogs. Before Mrs. Bair had become a secretary at Alliance High School she subbed for two years, then took the position of the activities director secretary for about nine months during covid she stated, “I didn’t really get to know any of the kids because of covid.” After that, Mrs. Bair took what seemed like a really short break but it was actually two years for personal business. Now she is back and better than ever! Mrs. Bair said that if she was not a secretary right now there would be a variety of things she would be doing, for example: training dogs, and selling makeup. She stated that she is living her best life at the high school and loves her job. Mrs. Bair eventually thought she would be a secretary just because she likes to expand and try different things. Mrs. Bair also stated, “Mrs. Nelson (another secretary) talked her into being a secretary for the high school and now Mrs. Bair and Mrs. Nelson are the best of friends, and she is so grateful.” I am so grateful to have Mrs. Bair as one of my secretaries.

Jamie Brooks grew up in a small town called Alliance, Jamie has always loved the country and how much open space there is for land and cattle!...